Joppa Development and Heritage Corporation
Please be patient, this site is still under construction
Please be patient, this site is still under construction
The Joppa Development and Heritage Corporation's goal is to revitalize the historic sites of Colonial Joppa and to renew the integrity and vitality of the waterfront communities and neighborhoods in historic districts in the Joppa area.
The best way to get involved with the Joppa Development and Heritage Corporation is to join a committee or to create your own! Click here to find out more information.
Want more information or to get in touch with our committee chairs? You can sign up to be part of our e-mail list!
Next Meeting
Next Meeting
Our meetings are held at 725 Trimble Road, Joppa, Maryland (the Joppatowne Christian Church building).
Our next general meeting will be on February 17th at 6 PM.